The use of Aula nova. Workspace at the Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación (CAFI) will be regulated by the Makerspace User Agreement which you can download below.
Download the document Aula nova User Agreement
Do you have a project in mind? Think about the objectives you want to achieve, the final product you are going to create and the resources you are going to need. Set up a calendar. Try to think of originality, design and impact on your students, your school and/or your community and explain your ideas in a clear, concise way.
Take into account that you will have access only and exclusively to the materials, tools and resources you have applied for in advance. Therefore, please, do make a detailed list. No access will be allowed to material that has not been booked in advance.
Alongside your application, you must attach a project detailing the following aspects: